Category Other Spanky Stuff

Etiquette Books

Debrett's Guide to Etiquette and Modern Manners
I love etiquette books. Test me on any part of Debrett’s Guide to Etiquette and Manners (1999 edition). Go on, I dare you. I know that baby back to front, inside and out.


A woman with an unpeeled banana in her mouth
Worrying, it seems from looking at the internet that there are swathes of people out there who simply have no idea at all how to eat a banana.

Give me an ‘S’!

Portrait of Marquis de Sade
Clearly I have been reading all the wrong kinds of Marquis de Sade books. The stuff of his I've read seems to be less about sexy spankings and more about women being repeatedly punched in the face and then set upon by dogs.

Sex with Buffy

Image for Buffy fancfiction
Discovering the world of Fan Fiction was a breakthrough. Finding out that there were whole swathes of people who would dedicate time to writing scenarios in which other people's fictional characters shagged - and occasionally spanked - one another was a revelation.