Before the internet, if you wanted to stalk someone, you'd have to actually leave the house. Now it's all there at the click of a button.
The other day, via OKCupid, I was propositioned by a French television presenter who wanted me to give him oral sex.
As I mentioned the other day, I have recently been dabbling in Online Dating. Success has been... varied. It's an ongoing project.
This week,, I signed up with OKCupid and I strongly advise you all to do the same. Even if you're not actively looking to start dating. Even if you're in a committed monogamous relationship. Join up anyway!
I bought An Anthology of Erotic Prose (ed. Derek Parker) some point in my mid-teens. It quickly became very well-thumbed indeed.
In Renee Rose's Mob Mistress, the sex is fantastic. There's a standing-up-against-the-wall sex scene that got me terribly excited.
Getting turned on by the wrong things is very much an occupational hazard for a kinkster. (In fact, come to think of it, ‘getting turned on by the wrong things’ is probably the dictionary definition of a pervert.)
Here are are my eagerly anticipated (by someone possibly somewhere) reviews of books six to eight of Corbin's Bend Season 2.
When I found out that there was a whole slew of comic books based on Harlequin romance novels, I was absolutely delighted. No, wait, not delighted. What's that other word? Baffled.
My top five male animated characters based on - what exactly? Fanciability? Wait a minute, am I objectifying these poor fictional characters? You know I think I might be.