Category Other Spanky Stuff

Comic Book Love

Cover of Public Wife, Private Mistress by Masami Hoshino and Sarah Morgan
When I found out that there was a whole slew of comic books based on Harlequin romance novels, I was absolutely delighted. No, wait, not delighted. What's that other word? Baffled.

“You Wouldn’t Dare!”

Cover of 1950s "I loved" comic
"You wouldn't dare" is a wonderful phrase to come across in a spanking romance. It shows that the heroine is sassy enough to put up an argument but it's also a sure-fire guarantee that she is going to get her bottom reddened very soon indeed.

Flip Flop Fetish

Bound for Disappointment by Sheri Savill
Black Flip Flops are, of course, the internationally recognised preferred footwear of a Dom. I know this from reading Sheri Savill’s Bound for Disappointment.